Ø Web hosting – web hosting refer to a service that is associate with internet hosting. The companies that offer this service provide their server computer to store the websites. It is simply refers to the placement of web pages in a location that is accessible to the users. It is generally includes creating of website. A web hosting service is a kind of services through which one gets space on a server for his or her website. This space can be owned by some other party. The facility for a leased connection may also be available for providing the space. Thus we can also state that the space is generally owned or lead to be used by the clients.

Ø Web publishing -Web publishing is just like any other normal publishing. Web publishing refers to the process in which the content is published on the internet. It deploys the website using a web host. Web publishing refers to the process in which the content is published on the internet. One can also publish a web site form the folder of his/her computer. It is simply refer to the placement of web page in a location that is easily accessible to user. Therefore the web sites are generally using a web server. The web site pages are transferred to the web server. Web hosting providers are complies that provides the space in order publish the web page on the internet

Difference between web hosting or web publishing

          Web hosting
        Web publishing
1.   Web hosting refer to a service that is associated with internet hosting. the company that offers this service, provide their server computer to store the website
2.   It include acquisition of space in the server to store the web pages , so that the website can be accessed through the internet.
1.   Web publishing refers to the process in which the content is published on the internet. It generally includes creation of website which are later uploaded using a web server.
2.   It may include many processes like  developing a website, hosting it and maintaining it.

 Document interchange standard – every network and every computer in the networks exchange information According to certain rule called protocols. These different computer and different network are united with the common thread of protocol. To exchange their information over the network.
 Connection less and connection oriented protocol – with a connection less protocol clients connected to the server, make a request , get a response and then disconnected for the internet, HTTP is a connection less protocol . Connection less protocol differ from connection oriented protocol in the way requests or responses to requests are handled.
 With a connection oriented protocol- clients connect to the server, make a request, get a response and then maintain the connection to handle future requests. An example of a connection oriented protocol is file transfer protocol.
 Stateless and statefull protocols.- there are two kind of protocols for the processed translation on the internet. There is stateless and stateful protocol. In a stateless protocol no information about a transaction is maintained after a translation has been processed. In a stateful protocol. State information is Capt. even after a transaction has been processed.
 Difference between stateless and stateful protocols – stateless protocol differ from a stateful for in the way
information about requests is maintained. HTTP is a stateless protocol. Stateless protocol’s are light because servers using them Capt. no information about completed transaction and processes. When a client breaks a connection with a server running on stateless protocol no data has to be cleaned up or logged off.
  Components of web publishing – after creating a website to make your website available to everyone on the web you need to publish your website on the web server.;
There are following components of web publishing
1. Web browser- a web browser is a software package that may be supplied free by Microsoft and many other company that is used to view pages as well as navigate the world wide web.
2. Web cookies – web, cookies allow  a website to store information about you as well as to track your visit to it over a some period of time.
3. Web server- a web server is the program that run on a network and is responsible for replying to web browsers requests for files. You need a web server to publish document on the web.

 Document management- the auction of identifying acquiring, processing , storing updating and distributing the documents is called document management. There are the following actions that document management include.  
1. File organization –when organising the files on your site, keep the file sin separate folder’s that way the sight is easier to update. Have folders name, put any files related to the jobs in a folder called jobs . These activities comes is  file organisation.  
2. Uploading – when your are uploading files form you site do not forget that you need to upload them in the correct file format, HTML and text files should be upload in ASCII format, while images , CGI scripts flash files, sounds and videos should be upload in the binary format. 
3. Files name- when you are name it the files for your sits, stick to what is known as 8.3 file names , that is 8 character per file name and 3 character for extensions. 4. Backing up – whatever do be sure to backup your files on you website. Put them on to a CD/ Pen drive and then store it away in a safe place. 

 Web page design and consideration and principles – following are some principle about web page design which helps to design a effective web page. 
 1. Present you web page in this way that the user one impressed with in a first few second after they arrive at the web site. 
2. The little of the page is short fascinating and descriptive. 
3. Keep web pages fresh and update.
 4. Make sure button and other links work properly.  
5. Use compressed images so that web pages gets loudly. 
6. Test your web page before publishing to make sure that working properly. 

Web publishing tool- there are a number of web publishing tools developed by various corporation some of the more popular are following 
1. Netscape navigator gold- Netscape navigated gold appear a visual editing  environment that closely appointment  that of a webpage and at the same adopts may of the concepts using by work processes and document publishing  tools. Netscape gold provides a web publishing environment that  looks  and feel like a webpage. This includes a number of paragraph formatting tools and pre-defined paragraph styles that you can assigned to blocks a text and object on your web page. The paragraph formatting to the text you currently have selecting.
2. Macro media backstage desktop studio – backstage desktop studio consist of a suite of tools to assemble and manage the website. The advantages of macro media is its excellence in multimedia web authority .It is one of new generation of tools that combined dynamic web page authority facilities with website management features advantages. 
1. They involve the viewer. They enable viewers to corresponded with web page creator. 
2. They provide gateways to specific information. 
3. They help them solve problems. 

Adobe page mill and site mill – page mill and site mill form adobe uses a WYSIWYG( what you see is what you get) interface which make operation them easy. Site mill is the perfect choice for both managing and editing web pages. It catalogues a website, checks each link and displays all errors. Page mill is also an excellent choice for creating web page. It allows even a novice to create a web page complete with form, graphic and formatting. Because both page mill and site mill share the same features sets, techniques and tools learned on one program can be used on the other. Each of these tools offers and easy system for creating web pages or managing web sites.
